Non-Conductive Pipe Rollers

Non Conductive pipe rollers prevent the passing of current from the pipeline to bridge structure and rebars. As a direct replacement for cast iron roll, non-conductive pipe rollers are made of the highest specification polyurethane compound which is cast around an integral steel sleeve to form a full length bearing for the axle. They can be used in conjunction with the FRP Type # 240 Roll-On Shields.
- Maintain same support strength of pipe hanger system.
- Eliminate chafing and rusting pipe caused by iron rolls.
- Eliminate electrical grounding of the pipeline to the bridge.
- Eliminate insulating joints at each end of the bridge, and include the suspended line as part of the cathodically protected pipeline maintaining continuity of cathodic protection.
- Absorb vibration from traffic or other sources, saving wear and tear on pipe hanger parts.
Please contact LB&A Inc. for more information.